Tuesday, March 27, 2018

iExpense - A Personal Case Study

I started maintaining the expenses more seriously ever since I was working on "Food statistics" as a concept. Say something like since Feb 2012 from when I clearly started maintaining Food Stats data.

Today Dated 28th Feb 2015 I realized for the first time that probably I might be wasting time while trying to write/document all my trivia expenses and I am seriously contemplating on putting a full stop to it.

It is then that I realize how much difficulty it can be for an individual to maintain his/ her Daily expenses
And then. If procrastinated to a future date can be painful and almost lead to the idea of quitting it as in quitting the meticulous documentation on each trivial expense.

So is it really difficult to maintain the expenses if you don't really maintain it from time to time.
I decided to resort to some app or utility that can maintain my case. But again I thought to myself, I need to atleast allow almost a year more's time to keep stretching the idea and not give up so soon since this is my own real data and only then can my research on this subject be a used case in a genuine manner.

I realized that since I am not documenting the details on a daily basis, my lag of work is piling up and along with it the stress of completing it too.

If cc bills had the option to simulate the data into a compatible iExpnse application then life could be so easy. In that case only the misc cash transactions would be necessary to make note of.

Like lets say any billing machine connected to the Internet could have simulated the meta data of their bills to let's say a unique iEx no or some compatible format maybe xml based
So that even cc bills and any other cash transaction based machine bills could also be automatically generated in the application.

Here I even though of an idea about adding the QR code technology which could be of help for billing machines that are not connected to the Internet.

These machines could at least print an QR code on the receipt itself. All we need to do is scan it immediately and done with the documentation.
