Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shipping Address Vault for Reducing Cart Abandonment Rate

Shipping Address Vault


Online Shopping details Vault CONCEPT.

This Kind of a web service or facility or Add-onn or Extension can extremely help to reduce - Cart Abandonment Rates.

This piece of information can be once fed by the user and then used at any other site.

Let's say for instance one user is terribly bored to fill the shipping address,
then you as an E-commerce Website can at least offer that This EFFORT and INFO punched in NOW will not go in vain. and the user can reuse it again over and over by adding it to your 'Shopping Vault'

Any time later you can use this info while surfing on any other shopping site or any web based interaction which requires your shipping address for Example:- Parcel Delivery or Courier Delivery to Your Home or Shipping Address (Which is Sometimes other than Home address - Mostly office Address)

Imaging this Facility being provided by one of the Email Service providers like Google Yahoo etc or By any other Social Media Giants like Facebook Twitter etc

This Part of the Shipping Address information can be added in to your global profile of your Native Email Address Profile setting details itself.

Consider the scenario while the User is at a Cart Checkout Page - Here... Adding the Shipping Address can be done in a snap of fingers where The Shipping address is imported from this Online Shipping Address Vault OR Online Shopping details Vault.

Happy Online Shopping!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Say No To Paper Resumes

Say No To Paper Resumes

I want to request the Recruitment TEAMS of the world and HR of individual organizations to reduce the demand of carrying a PAPER printed resume while an incumbent arrives for an interview.

An average individual's resume spans 2-4 Pages and the Shelf life of that printed resume is barely a few Hours or a few days. Once the interview is conducted that resume turns out to be waste paper which is primarily unusable.

When we are living this information age and boast of being completely wired across the globe with computers and the Internet and now as of year 2016 also roam wireless across the globe then we can easily make the appropriate resume of the incumbent available on any interface feasible. Laptop Desktop a Tablet.

When we boast about our activities on CSR and showcase the Social responsibility laden events we participated on the webpages of our web-presence why don't we as responsible individuals stop wasting paper in this Internet age!

We as Responsible global Citizens Must stop Carrying the Hard copies of Our Resumes and mention about our contribution towards the Globe and attempt to reduce the Carbon Footprint and eventually Global warming...

A radical change is required where in HRs of top companies should start this Paperless Interview Drives to promote this cause of Saving paper where ever it is extremely feasible to do so.

Neither the HR should demand nor shall incumbents supply paper printed resumes!