Wednesday, March 2, 2016

HTML CSS and JavaScript in a Nutshell

A website or a 'web application' primarily deals with a browser; effectively a 'browser engine' which executes code from the server and renders it in the form of HTML which is essentially "Hyper Text Markup Language"

HTML is a markup language largely inspired by SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) which is 'platform independent' (does not depend on the Operating System used), 'device independent' and 'browser independent' and a non-proprietary standard maintained by the W3C Consortium.

CSS, Cascading Style Sheets as the full form suggests is a style sheet language that helps to build the presentation of the web content. It can be rendered in three different ways. Viz. In-line style sheets, Embedded or Internal style sheets and External style sheets.

Lastly JavaScript is a scripting Language which has been standardized in the ECMAScript language specification. It helps to further modify the DOM and do certain dynamic tasks which are not possible with basic CSS and HTML

JavaScript allows you to modify already rendered content in the browser, do stuff on event triggers like document / Browser refresh, Mouse click, Mouse hover and keyboard input with keystrokes. 

In my next blog I will be talking about Effective Web Design and Development, so stay tuned . . . .

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