Monday, April 25, 2016

Auto Drive Similar to Auto Pilot

Concept - 'Auto Drive' Similar to 'Auto Pilot'

In the automotive industry, we’re rapidly moving from horsepower to processor power. It’s not just the WIFI in the car and the drive statistics. There’s going to be a plethora of self-driving cars in the making and soon algorithms will sync with city traffic patterns to smoothly glide us back to our smart homes.

This article describes a concept mechanism in an Automated car in a complete wired cyber-city.
During these times the city will contain automobiles with driver-less capability which will smoothly sync the traffic across streets and optimize signals and vehicle speeds to gain maximum efficiency for all vehicles.
By default the cars can be driven on Manual Mode but in the case of an even of collusion the Driver will have three different buttons to control such panic situations:

Button One : Standard Auto Drive
Button Two : Ease-in Auto Drive
Button Three : Smart Auto Drive

All three Modes explained:

Standard Auto Drive mode:
Standard Auto Drive mode allows the driver to stop holding the and allow the complete control of the car to be handled by the auto pilot mechanism of the car

Ease-in Auto Drive mode:
Ease-in Auto Drive Mode allows the auto pilot to control the car without any jerk or major movement to passengers such that the car collusion is also managed but there is no damage to the passengers of the car. this happens with a smooth hand shaking between the Manual and Auto Pilot mode which also covers the latency of the Auto Pilot mode's startup and full functioning control

Smart Auto Drive mode:
Smart Auto Drive mode functionality is the best of the above three which will be intelligently always active during all trips of the automobile and even when it is not functional, this mode will be constantly calcualating vehicle speeds, proximity parameters and collusion probabilities of nearby vehicles such that if this mode is suddenly switched on then it won't incur startup mechanism latency and will function as if it was already active providing a safe collusion with less or no damage to the vehicle as well as no trouble to the passengers traveling in the vehicle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Relative Referance of Articles and Blogs

Mobile application design and development has been ‘the thing’ as of late. With the growing prominence of smartphones, more and more applications are developed. It’s like, we have an app for everything, right?

What makes it even more amazing is that this year, the projected number of smartphone users will be 1.75 billion.

When you read the term "This Year" you wonder which Year is the author referring to since the article that you are reading is not necessarily the latest one and the term "This Year" is such a relative reference... It could even mean 5 years ago if you are reading a relatively old article from the internet....

To solve this problem of relativity for the Year or month in context.... I expect a system, an approach a tag attribute or even a web service for the reason which will take care of the relative reference of time when one refers to this
Year, this Month, this Day or this Hour as to when exactly was this mentioned may be based on the Day Date Time and Year when the article was published and how much time has already passed since then so that the reader can appropriately judge the validity of the context and relativity of the subject matter pertaining to the present time NOW!

For example an article on cricketer Sachin Tendulakar reads today is a the 38th birthday of the God of cricket [ whose current age is 42 Years (DOB-24th April 1973 - Source Wikipedia) as of 2:27 PM 4/5/2016 ]

This would mean that the article is already four years old and the text reference would be great if it reads - Today is the 42nd birthday of the God of cricket!

Expected solutions with Further applications are -

A Reference of when this article was first Published / Edited / Updated
A Correction in Time Reference of the subject or Protagonist - For Eg: 38th Birthday (4 Years ago) and  42nd Birthday as of today!

Solution Proposition in HTML - An (Age)
(/age) tag which encapsulates such relative content Specially useful for News articles and Blogs

(ageimg)(img src="ageimg.png" alt="Age Image")(/ageimg)
(firstDate)14 Mar 2012(/firstDate)
(ArticleDate)24 April 2012(/ArticleDate)

Probably on the Hover of this tag, the user will be able to get a cross-reference pop up which mentions when the article was first initiated / published , when the article was last edited / updated / republished and the (ref) tag which provides the source of the information in context.